Rose Marie Sloan

Oct 14, 2018

Learning to Lead takes time

Leadership a continuous process – a journey.

Growth and development take time, allowing individuals to practice and perfect their skills and abilities. Learning to lead should be an intentional process - one requiring attention and effort – not simply relying on chance circumstances to shape the character of your personal style.

Leadership is derived from experiences, knowledge, training, skill, talents, as well as meaningful reflection.

You don’t need a title to be a leader, and you can choose to be the leader in your life, rather than letting life lead you.

As you continue on your leadership path:

  • Take the time and energy to invest in yourself – in your own personal and professional growth.

  • Create a development plan, to guide and measure your progress over time.

  • Seek wisdom and experiences from working with a mentor, and/ or coach.

  • Develop complimentary partnerships, and network with colleagues to explore shared experiences and learn from each other.

  • Look for possibilities, celebrate successes, and honor your journey.

Make the choice that your commitment to continually learning and growing is bigger than your commitment to stay the same.

Take this opportunity to explore the Academy’s Leadership Development Programs. Be a part of our global learning community as you continue on your path of transformational leadership.