Ontario Foundation Leadership Academy - May 2023

The Foundation Academy provides a solid basis of leadership theory, tips, tools, and practical skills all intended to facilitate the success of the NEW and/or EMERGING leader. As new and/or emerging leaders, Foundation Academy participants engage in opportunities for building leadership capacity, and gaining useful knowledge, perspectives, and understandings about themselves and their leadership environment. This program is designed to facilitate personal and professional growth, drawing from theoretical and practical experiences in order to help participants find their voice and build confidence.
What our participants are saying:
The week was ... mostly learning about ourselves. What I appreciated the most, about the program, is how engaged we all were. I was a bit skeptical about virtual delivery, thinking it would be a "set and get", with listening to someone speaking all day. However, (the facilitators) did a fantastic job keeping us engaged and focused. It was the perfect amount of lectures and discussions, combined with chatting, breakout rooms, polls, and other Zoom activities. The meetings online turned out to be very interactive, and I am looking forward to the next one.
Operations Manager - Vancouver Community College
Based on the concept of training and development over time, the Foundation Academy consists of two, 5-day residential training platforms, scheduled a year apart, identified as Session One and Two. Participants complete a year-long practicum project between training sessions, supported and guided by Academy facilitators and coaching conversations, self-selected mentors, webinars, and program resources.
Foundation Academy Session One Topics include:
Building Community
The Organizational Leader
Strengths Development
Leadership Practices
Understanding Self and Others
Leading Teams
A Strategic Mindset
Effective Communication