Tip 155: Emotional Capacity

Leadership is about relationships. Leaders with high emotional intelligence read and manage their emotions and the emotions of others, as well as have the organizational awareness to enhance teamwork through influence, coaching, and conflict management.
Emotional intelligence is a learnable skill. Reflect on these practices to increase your emotional capacity.
Request Feedback: You can have greater influence if you know how you impact others.
Give Yourself a Positive Attitude Check: Leaders who are passionate about their work are viewed as more credible and have teams that share in the excitement of possibilities.
View Your Organization Objectively: Reflect on the culture of the organization to understand the engagement of employees.
Get Conflict Savvy: Leaders earn influence and respect when they manage conflict and give considerate feedback in a way that drives change and moves initiatives forward.
Coach and Mentor: Make yourself open to mentor at least one person from your team and/or within your organization each year.
One of the best predictors of your leadership effectiveness is the continuous development of your emotional capacity.
For more information on Emotional Intelligence, read Daniel Goleman’s book, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.