Tip 235 - The Last Three Principles of Agile Leadership

There are Nine Principles of Agile Leadership to engage in the work of transforming teams and organizations into agile ones. Reflect on the last three principles.
7. Leaders devolve appropriate power and authority. Agile leaders recognize that people work best when they are enabled, engaged, and energized. Empowering individuals balances the emerging needs and tensions of the organization; it is a continuum of leadership behavior that responds to the current context for change.
8. Collaborative communities achieve more than individuals. Agile leaders build communities based on high trust, respect, and meaningful working relationships. Their role is to provide communities with all that they need to operate efficiently and then let them function autonomously within their boundaries. The agile leader understands that forgiveness, positivity, generosity, and gratitude are important parts of a healthy working environment, as is the preservation of psychological safety.
9. Great ideas can come from anywhere in the organization. People who are close to problems usually have the best ideas about how to solve them. Agile leaders are open to the influence and ideas of others, regardless of position or title. They listen and give time to really hear the thoughts and suggestions for improvement from their colleagues. Even if some concepts are not used, the continuous flow of creativity is encouraged.