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Writer's pictureRose Marie Sloan

Team Culture Statement

Does your team have an established Team Culture Statement? Let’s explore this topic in our Leadership Minute.

Organizational leaders are vital to the creation and communication of their workplace culture. While leaders are the principle architects of culture, establishing a culture statement influences the team’s expectations and principles that guide behaviors expressed in self-image, inner-workings, interactions, and decision-making.

To create a Team Culture Statement:

  1. Collaborate and brainstorm with your team, identifying how work gets done and how people treat each other. What will the team reward, allow and tolerate?

  2. Explore the team’s shared values, discussing how each value impacts how your team operates. Define how the team will work together to model what is valued.

  3. Draft your statement based on the collective input and examples shared by team. Give team members an opportunity to provide feedback and refine the statement before finalizing. Post it in a place where everyone can see it every day.

  4. Live and model your statement, using it as a guiding document for performance development, decision-making and recognition, as well as onboarding.

Culture is everywhere, and great cultures are designed intentionally. What the team and organization values get valued. So, don’t leave your workplace culture to chance.

For more information on this topic, and many others, I invite you to visit our website, , and view the Academy’s Leadership Development Programs open for registration.

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