Tip 149: How Well Do You Run Your 1-On-1s?
Regular 1-on-1s are the most effective way to build strong relationships with your direct reports and drive productivity on your team. From the list of best practices below, self-assess how well you run your 1-on-1s.
I set clear expectations with my team about the purpose of 1-on-1s.
I set a regular meeting cadence for everyone.
I ask my direct reports to prepare agenda items ahead of time.
I prepare agenda items tailored to everyone ahead of time.
Before each 1-on-1, I remove distractions and clear my head.
I listen carefully and use questions to draw out thoughts and ensure understanding.
I provide coaching to help solve problems.
I seek feedback about how I manage and make it safe for others to express thoughts.
I treat each 1-on-1 as part of a series, not a one-off.
I ask questions about meaningful areas not recently covered.
I include performance feedback and ask for self-reflections and examples.
I ask how we can improve our 1-on-1s.
Reflect on your self-assessment. For more information, review the article,